The embossing or debossing shaping consist on adding a relief or a deep to a pattern, a decoration or graphics.
Depending on the wished finish, we are using different embossing methods on leather or textile :
- Hot stamping : this enhancing method is a printing realized with magnesium or brass pattern plate components
- Cold high-frequency method with foam or silicone supply
- High-frequency welds/cut method permitting to emboss PVC material on textile support
1 high-frequency welding machine
for large sizes
1 high-frequency welding machine
with 4 circular posts
1 high-frequency welding machine
with 1 isolated post
4 hot stamping machines
with different sizes

Elegant customization
Customization by highlighting, from the simplest, to the true work of art, gives a real stamp to the product. These different embossing effects on leather or textile highlight the precious charm of the material used, and strengthen the brand prestige.

Method association for material finishing
Embossing and debossing are likely to be enhanced by complementary methods (digital printing, embroidery, silkscreen printing, laser or waterjet cutting, etc.) to highlight all graphic details and create unique goods. With this stamping method and the association of our finishing knowledge, details are exalted and an excellent final touch highlight your designs, creations and luxury signatures.
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